Decades of Infiltration
False Hopes
Competing Worldviews
Last Chance for Democracy
The Worldviews
Characterized by authoritarianism, the AMP view is paradoxical. It preaches rugged individualism while forbidding individuality. What it cannot control or explain it censures. Those who don’t conform, it destroys. It demands total national dominion and is skilled at co-opting what it needs to accomplish its self-mandated goals.
American Militant Pietism
Seemingly preferable to AMP, AEP is instead an enabler. Often supercilious, it dismisses the danger of AMP because it seems ridiculous. Its utopian structure blinds it to the urgent need for action, and its heightened sense of self-importance and social influence leads it to conclude anything it cannot understand cannot possibly exist.
American Equalitarian Pacifism
Right Thinking: Deadly Stories that Shape America and the World
Both objective and sympathetic, Right Thinking humanizes adherents of either worldview, showing how people can remain sincere, likable, and well-meaning even while unyieldingly clinging to a worldview that can only destroy all that they hold dear. The paradox of human perspective underscores the Manichean struggle for America’s soul.
A work in progress, Right Thinking analyzes how two worldviews have shaped and directed American self-image, social and economic policy, international relations, and religion.
Both a careful history and a call to action, this book argues that a different view is needed, now more than ever, if America is to survive as a nation of law and liberty.